Securities Association of Singapore (SAS) (2019 Annual)
The Securities Association of Singapore was formed in 2001 by the retail stockbroking companies in Singapore with the primary objectives of promoting the securities and investment industry and supporting a sound industry structure for investors.
Over the years, its membership has grown in size which includes retail stockbrokers and leading OTC providers from the securities and investment industry. We aim to promote investment knowledge and skills among retail investors and uplift the high industry standards through public education and awareness programs.
The SAS provides a strong platform for members to actively engage regulators, policy makers and other players in the securities industry on strategic, regulatory, technology and operational issues that affect the industry. By galvanising members together as one voice, members are able to present collective views and proposals to regulators and authorities. They are able to enjoy better rates from vendors through collective negotiation powers and economy of scale. Various industry workgroups are formed to share views and address industry issues. Training programmes are continuously developed to educate and upgrade the expertise and professionalism of members in the securities and investment industry.