Bombay Stock Exchange Broker’s Forum (BBF) (2018 Annual)
Bombay Stock Exchange Brokers’ Forum (BBF) has been one of the foremost association of intermediaries of Indian Capital Markets.
- has a pan India membership of around 830 members consisting of broker-dealers of Indian Stock and Commodity Exchanges as well as Depository Participants.
- is a member of international bodies like Asia Securities Forum (ASF), International Council of Securities Associations (ICSA) and International Forum for Investor Education (IFIE).
- member of the Secondary Market Advisory Committee (SMAC) of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
Our activities: BBF
- conducts regular seminars / events on contemporary topics along with experts and with speakers from Government bodies, regulators, exchanges and depositories.
- is active in investor education with special focus on “young adults” having conducted around 1200 sessions pan India (including semi-urban areas) touching around 55,000 persons attempting to spread financial literacy and knowledge and awareness about capital markets and economy (Since Jan. 2013).
- issues a monthly Capital Markets & Lifestyle magazine “Forum Views” (an award winning publication covering Financial Markets in general and the activities of the BBF, in particular).
- has MOU’s with like-minded entities like Association of Stock Broking Companies Malaysia (ASCM), Federal Association of Securities Trading Firms-Frankfurt (BWF), Hong Kong Securities Association (HKSA), Korea Financial Investment Association (KOFIA), Maldives Stock Exchange (MSE), Philippine Association of Securities Brokers and Dealers, Inc. (PASBDI), Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM) and Thai Securities Companies (ASCO).