Xiaoyan Zhang
Xinyuan Chair Professor of Finance and Associate Dean at PBC School of Finance
Tsinghua University
Prof. Xiaoyan Zhang is the Xinyuan Chair Professor of Finance and Associate Dean at PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University. She is also the Deputy Director of Institute of Fintech Research at Tsinghua University. Currently, Professor Zhang is a member of Academic Committee of the People’s Bank of China, a senior fellow of the Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research (ABFER), and a senior financial expert of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Professor Zhang served on the CSRC 17th Issuance Examination Committee, and currently serves on the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council, China Global Economic Governance 50 Forum, China Wealth Management 50 Forum, and Expert Committee of National Internet Finance Association. Professor Zhang’s research interests include Chinese capital market, Fintech, empirical asset pricing, and international finance. Many of her works have been published top tier academic journals, and she has won multiple best paper awards. Given her research excellence, Prof. Zhang is appointed as associate editors of many top tier academic journals. Professor Zhang enjoys teaching and is named one of the “Global Top 40 under 40” business school professors. With the support of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) and the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), Professor Zhang’s research on Chinese capital market has significantly contributed to the protection and education of investors, and has received the highest level of grant from National Natural Sciences Foundation of China.