Sumit Indwar
Partner, Financial Regulation
Sumit is a partner in our Financial Regulation Group and acts for global investment banks, asset managers, market makers and private equity houses on all aspects of financial regulation, both domestic and cross-border. He advises on the full range of regulatory issues including licensing, products, conduct of business issues, governance and investigations and enforcement. Sumit also provides support to the firm’s transactional teams on the regulatory aspects of M&A, banking and corporate finance transactions. He also covers market misconduct issues. Prior to joining the Hong Kong team, Sumit was based in the firm’s London office where he regularly advised financial institutions on wide-ranging UK and EU regulatory change projects, including on the UK ring-fencing regime (on which he was seconded to a major retail bank for six months), the implementation of the second Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II), the European Market Abuse Regulation, the UK Senior Managers and Certification Regime and the second European Payments Services Directive. This experience allows him to advise Asian-based clients on the extraterritorial effects of UK and European regulation. Sumit is a qualified solicitor in both Hong Kong and England and Wales.