Satoshi Izumihara
Deputy Director, International Capital Markets Regulation, International Affairs Office
Financial Services Agency of Japan (JFSA)
Satoshi Izumihara is Deputy Director for International Capital Markets Regulation, Office of International Affairs of the Financial Services Agency of Japan (JFSA).
Following a number of years practicing as a financial litigator in Tokyo, he worked in an investment firm in London to oversee the implementation process of MiFID 2/R and related regulatory requirements in the firm; he also examined the extraterritorial effect of these regulations on Japanese industry. He is now in charge of IOSCO matters and cross-border regulatory issues between Japan and the EU.
Satoshi Izumihara2018-11-142019-02-18https://www.asifma.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/asifma-logo-pos.pngASIFMAhttps://www.asifma.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/izumiahra-satoshi-e1544055203582.jpg200px200px