Royston Braganza
Grameen Capital India Limited
Royston joined Grameen Capital in 2007 to launch the organization as CEO. He currently oversees all aspects of operations in India.
In addition to being the former Chair of Sa-Dhan, whose members have over 50 million women micro-entrepreneurs, he serves on many boards and advisory bodies, including Grameen Foundation India, Inclusive Business Action Network (iBAN), FICCI Financial Inclusion Committee, CII National Committee on NBFCs, the United Nations Microfinance Resource Group, Impact Investors Council and Banking & Finance Committee of the Indian Merchant Chambers. He has been invited to address various programs in India and globally, to promote impact investment and blended finance as a sustainable tool to eradicate poverty, and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. In September 2018, Royston addressed a high- level event at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly in New York on the Sustainable Development Goals.