Rajesh Bheemanee

FSO Tax/Transfer Pricing Partner with commercial experience across financial services sector in ASEAN, Japan & America

Rajesh is an FSO Tax/Transfer Pricing Partner based in Singapore with more than 17 years of experience in the financial services sector and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).

Rajesh has worked in various countries across the region including three years in EY’s Financial Services team in Japan.

Prior to joining EY, Rajesh undertook a global in-house tax/transfer pricing role for a large American Banking institution which affords him extensive product, business process and system knowledge relating to Banking & Capital Markets, Insurance, Wealth Management and Asset Management businesses.

Rajesh has been involved in a variety of tax/transfer pricing projects for financial services transactions and has extensive knowledge of the business arrangement and regulatory issues associated with the financial services sector.