KwanEng Chew
FSO – FAAS Partner specialising in quantitative analytics and treasury services
Kwan Eng has 15 years of quantitative experience and specifically ten years of experience in valuation and financial risk management. Kwan Eng has wide ranging of knowledge which spans across valuation of complex derivatives to hedge accounting, serving both financial services clients and corporate companies. He leads the team that covers topics in Quantitative Analytics and Treasury Services supporting clients in Singapore and across offices in the Asia-Pacific region.
Kwan Eng wears both the hat of an audit support specialist and consultant, working actively with treasurers and finance team of major corporations to bridge the gap in hedge accounting topic. He has evaluated the hedge accounting module of Treasury Management System for complex hedge relationship scenario under IFRS 9. Further, assisted client in implementation of hedge accounting solutions and counterparty valuation adjustment (CVA) for compliance with IFRS 9/IAS 39 and IFRS 13 for REITs, airline, shipping, power generation and commodity companies.