Kah Som Chan
Deputy General Manager, Institution Supervision Department, Market & Corporate Supervision
Securities Commission Malaysia
Mr. Chan Kah Som is currently the Deputy General Manager for Markets and Corporate Supervision Division of the Securities Commission Malaysia. He is responsible for policy and supervision of exchanges, financial market infrastructures and self-regulatory organisations. Prior to joining the securities regulator, Mr. Chan was with the Central Bank of Malaysia for more than 10 years, with key responsibilities in prudential regulation for the banking sector and market development focusing on market infrastructures for government securities and money markets.
Kah Som Chan2019-03-262019-03-27https://www.asifma.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/asifma-logo-pos.pngASIFMAhttps://www.asifma.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/kah-som-chan_securites-commission-malaysia-e1553654574148.jpg200px200px