K. Ravichandran
Executive Vice President & Chief Ratings Officer
ICRA Limited
Ravichandran has an aggregate work experience of around 27 years, out of which he has been with ICRA Limited, a Moody’s Investors Service company, in their Ratings Division for a period of around 24 years. He currently heads the entire analytical team in ICRA, comprising Corporate, Financial and Structured Finance sectors. He also oversees the functioning of the Rating Committees in ICRA. His other responsibilities include regulatory interactions and credit policy reviews. He is a regular speaker in industry conferences and has also been interviewed by leading business news channels. He has also authored various research pieces on Indian credits.
He holds a B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from Anna University, Chennai and a MBA from Bharathidasan Institute of Management (BIM), Trichy. He also holds the Financial Risk Manager (FRM) charter awarded by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), USA.