J. C. Na
Chairman & CEO
Korea Financial Investment Association (KOFIA)
J.C. Na is the 5th Chairman and CEO of the Korea Financial Investment Association (KOFIA), which is a trade association representing the Korean capital market. With an extensive membership of about 400 financial institutions from the securities, asset management, futures and investment trust sectors, KOFIA promotes the development of a competitive and innovative financial investment industry.
As the Chairman, Mr. Na leads the policy advocacy and member support functions of KOFIA, as well as activities as the SRO overseeing the Korean capital market. Mr. Na also heads KOFIA’s role of providing investor education to the public and financial training to professionals, thereby enhancing sound business practice and investor protection.
Prior to joining KOFIA in 2020, he spent thirty-five years at Daishin Securities. He was the President of Daishin Securities for seven years just before taking his position at KOFIA. He served the role as a Commissioner at the Self-Regulatory Advisory Commission and Member of the Board of Directors at KOFIA. He was selected as one of the top 100 Korean CEOs at MK Economy and awarded a Citation by the Ministry of Economy & Finance. Mr. Na has a Ph.D. in International Business from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.