Francis Loh
Head of Investor Services
Francis is a strong advocate for design thinking with innovative solutions. He has a spread of 20 years background in banking wealth management, channel network, digital banking, and securities depository operations.
With his current role as Head of Investor Services in SGX, he has leapfrogged the digitization in central depository(CDP) and introduced solutions that are relevant to the varying needs of the investors. The CDP will continue to grow the capabilities of technology along with data and explore good solutions for the investors.
Francis Loh2023-09-112023-09-11https://www.asifma.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/asifma-logo-pos.pngASIFMAhttps://www.asifma.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/francis_loh__speaker-removebg-preview.png200px200px