Damien Jones
Partner, Financial Services
Provision of services
Damien has over twenty-three years’ experience servicing a range of treasury and capital market clients across the Globe. His time has been spread across Tokyo, London, New York and Sydney, providing assurance advisory services to financial institutions and large Corporate Groups.
Damien heads our capital markets advisory team in Australia and currently co-leading our IBOR campaign across Asia-Pacific. He has worked with all the major banks in Australia, delivering work across the G20 reform agenda.
Relevant Industry expertise
- Damien has been leading a team of IBOR delivery specialists at one of the Australian Banks, for over 12 months. He has been deeply involved in all aspects of IBOR transition, including: ISDA Implementation planning, setting communications strategies, leading conduct risk assessments, designing and delivering training and developing new RFR products.
- Damien is also acting SME on a number of Asian Bank IBOR engagements and has touch points into all our EY’s global IBOR engagements.
- Damien is acting independent expert on the on-going remediation of BBSW activity at one of the Major Banks. He has also led a benchmark controls for a global investment bank under international regulator review.
- Led a team reviewing controls to support the remediation of an FX EU at one of the Australian Banks. He has led reviews into FX Global Code compliance, Conflicts management and trade surveillance.
- Led a team supporting a large Australian Banks’ MIFID II pre go-live implementation testing and training programme to line 1 and 2.
- Damien worked closely with legal work-outs teams during the GFC, running a number of large multi-year projects. These include a number of the large Investment Bank claims against Lehman Brothers, and working through the failure of all three Icelandic Banks (working for ICCs & the British Government).
- Damien has worked with large investment banks across the Institutional Securities space, including FX, Rates and Commodities trading divisions (Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs).
- Damien has led controls reviews at a number of Large Australian Banks focused on all aspects of G20 Reform. This includes a deep dive into global trade reporting functionality, uncleared margin and Volcker trading desk assessments.
Damien Jones2020-08-142020-08-14https://www.asifma.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/asifma-logo-pos.pngASIFMAhttps://www.asifma.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/damien-jones_photo-crop-e1597394088540.jpg200px200px