Chee Leong Chung
President & CEO
Cagamas Berhad
Mr. Chee Leong Chung was appointed to the Board of Directors on 27 March 2013 as an Executive Director of Cagamas Berhad. He joined Cagamas Berhad as the Chief Executive Officer on 1 April 2012 and as President since 2018. He is the Chairman of Cagamas Global P.L.C., Cagamas Global Sukuk Berhad and also sits on the Board of Directors of Cagamas MBS Berhad, Cagamas SRP Berhad and BNM Sukuk Berhad. Prior to his appointment at Cagamas, he served as Director of Bank Negara Malaysia’s (“BNM”) Banking Supervision Department as well as Risk Management Department. He has 29 years’ experience in central banking, focusing mainly on the financial system stability and the financial sector. He was involved in the development of the Financial Sector Blue Print, establishment of the deposit insurance scheme and the Malaysian Cooperative Commission.
During his service with BNM, he carried out assignments for the International Monetary Fund and the Islamic Financial Services Board. He was also a Member of the Board of Directors of Credit Guarantee Corporation Berhad. He has spearheaded Cagamas’ entrance into the international bond market. Starting with the A3 Sovereign Equivalent International Rating by Moody’s Investors Service, he was instrumental in establishing the Company’s USD5 billion Multicurrency EMTN Programme under which Cagamas’ inaugural and South East Asia largest Offshore Renminbi bond was issued. Under his leadership, Cagamas also concluded the country’s largest Sukuk issuance in 2013 and was accorded many awards including the ‘Islamic Finance Advocacy award’ at the Global Islamic Finance Awards. He served as the first Chairman of the Asian Secondary Mortgage Market Association in 2015. He holds a Bachelor of Economics (Honours) degree majoring in Business Administration from the University of Malaya.