FundForum Asia


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FundForum Asia 2018

3-5 September 2018
JW Marriott, Hong Kong

VIP Code

ASIFMA is one of the Supporting Organizations and members are entitled 15% discount rate off the delegate fee. Please quote the VIP code: FKN2544ASIFMAWL

About This Event

Learn from the best

FundForum Asia consistently delivers the most senior gathering of professionals of any event in the region. With over 150+ CEOs and business leaders sharing their experience with our audience, this is a unique opportunity to contribute to the debate shaping the direction for asset management in Asia.

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The China Summit is back

The wealth management landscape in China is changing faster than anywhere else in Asia. This one day summit tackles the unique challenges the China market presents, new client demands and the rise of technology.

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The industry’s networking destination

Meet with 500+ global fund decision makers including 160 fund buyers as well as key regional and international CEOs. Fund buyers we welcomed in 2017 included HSBC Private Bank, Coutts, Citi Private Bank, AIA Pension and CreditEase to name but a few.

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Some guy
Some position
Some company
Some content