Shaneera Rasqué is the ESG Coordinator for investment funds within the Luxembourg supervisory authority, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). She leads the CSSF ESG Task [...]
Ronald is Head of Sustainable Banking Development at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. He is responsible for the formulation and implementation of policy to promote sustainable banking activities [...]
Maria Raffaella Assetta is currently Head of Unit for International Affairs in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services, and Capital Markets [...]
Dr. Prag Sharma leads Citi’s Global Artificial Intelligence Centre of Excellence (AI CoE). He is a Citi Tech Fellows globally and a resident expert in Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning [...]
Nick Miller is Managing Director for Global Regulatory Affairs and a member of the Corporate Affairs senior leadership team. He is responsible for driving a strong regulatory strategy that is [...]
Mattias Levin is the acting head of unit of the Digital Finance unit of the European Commission’s Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, DG FISMA. At DG FISMA, he [...]
Alan heads the Financial Infrastructure & Artificial Intelligence Office at the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). In this capacity, Alan leads the development of strategies to drive [...]
Ms Choi is a member of the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC). She is also an Executive Director with responsibility for the Investment Products Division, which is responsible for [...]
Ambassador Rudd served as Australia’s twenty-sixth Prime Minister from 2007 to 2010, then as Minister for Foreign Affairs, before a second term as Prime Minister in 2013. He was Member for [...]
Appointed as Director of Trading and Membership of IDX at IDX’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on June 29, 2022. Started his career at the Finance Directorate of PT Ariawest International [...]
Jean-Paul Servais is the Chairman of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO). He was elected in October 2022 and re-elected in May 2024 for another term of 2 years. IOSCO [...]
Donald is the COO of VDX, a Fintech startup in Hong Kong, building a digital asset eco-system for institutional investors, a co-founding member of the Hong Kong Chapter of CFAAR, and an Adjunct [...]