
Resource  |    |  March 2020

[…] Ratio (NSFR) RBI announced on 27 March in a press conference that the implementation of NSFR will be deferred by six months to 1st October 2020. [...]

ASIFMA MiFID II Extraterritoriality Webinars

Resource  |  Webinars MiFID II  |  July 2018

ASIFMA MiFID II Extraterritoriality Webinars In preparation for the implementation of MiFID II in January 2018, we have compiled a range of materials and information intended to help industry [...]

Asia Regulatory Review: 17 – 24 September 2013 | Issue 172

News  |  Asia Regulatory Review  |  September 2013

Hong Kong regulator widens net. Brokers and fund managers from Australia to the US could be ensnared by new electronic trading rules due to come into effect in Hong Kong next year. (Financial News)

China’s Capital Markets: Navigating the Road Ahead

Research  |  China  |  March 2017

Executive Summary China’s capital markets have developed at a pace that has few parallels in history. In some sectors of the financial industry, such as digital payments, China today sets an [...]

Launch of ASIFMA KYC/AML Best Practices

Research  |  Regional  |  May 2023

We are pleased to share with you our updated “Best Practices for KYC/AML”, developed with a member working group led by Herbert Smith Freehills.   This February 2024 edition of the paper is an [...]

ASIFMA–ICMA Guide on Repo in Asia

Resource  |  Secured Funding Markets  |  August 2015

[…] Regulatory Foundation for Efficient Repo Market Development Section II – ASIFMA and ICMA Best Practices across the Repo Trade Lifecycle1  Eli Remolona, Frank Packer, inter alia, [...]

Press Release: GFMA Carbon Report

News  |  News  |  October 2021

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