ANMI (The Association of National Exchanges Members of India) (2020 India)
The Association of National Exchanges Members of India (ANMI) was established in 1996. It is a pan India body comprising of around 900 active Stock Brokers who are Trading Members of the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd (NSE), Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and Metropolitan Stock Exchange of India Ltd (MSE) are a_liated to ANMI. The basic objective of ANMI is to work towards inculcating best practices in the industry and represent the matters pertaining to the members as well as business of Capital Market intermediation to Government of India, SEBI, and Exchanges. In doing so ANMI works hand in hand with the above agencies for structured and planned growth of the Capital Markets and its participants in India. The association provides professional Assistance, guidance and special services for enhancement of the skill levels for the Employees of its members to function ethically according to the standard principle and Practices lay down by the Government, the Regulator and the Stock Exchanges. It Regularly conducts Compliance & Awareness Seminar / Workshops and Programs for the stors / financial fraternity / intermediaries all over the country.