Prof. Michael Sung
Founding Co-Director of the Fintech Research Center, Fanhai International School of Finance
Fudan University
Prof. Michael Sung is a technology venture builder and investor, having founded various companies over the years in diverse high-tech industries ranging from fintech, AI, blockchain, semiconductor, and new materials industries. He is founder and Chairman of CarbonBlue Innovations, a cross-border tech-transfer platform that is focused on rapidly commercializing and scaling internationally-sourced blockchain, fintech, and digital finance innovation to developing countries. Prof. Michael Sung is the founding Co-Director of the Fintech Research Center at the Fanhai International School of Finance at Fudan University. His applied research includes digital finance, fintech policy & regulation, AI & blockchain innovation, cryptoeconomics, digital asset investment banking, asset-backed securitization, green finance, as well as finance and business model innovation associated with cryptotoken economies. In addition, Prof. Sung is faculty at the Chinese Institute of Economics and Finance, a national-level think tank focused on thought leadership for finance innovation and fintech policy and best practices. Prof. Sung received his Ph.D. in EECS at the MIT Media Lab/Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory as well as a graduate financial engineering degree from MIT Sloan Business School.