Jenny Huang
Senior Director, China Corporate Research
Fitch Ratings
Jenny Huang is a Director leading Fitch Ratings’ China corporate research team based in Shanghai and Beijing. Her team produces in-depth reports for China’s key sectors such as power, auto, and healthcare as well as thematic research such as public–private partnership and supply-side reform. Before joining Fitch in 2014, Jenny worked at the Investor Relations Department of the world’s largest semiconductor foundry – Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC). Before that, she was a small-cap equity research analyst in CLSA. Prior to her career in the capital market, Jenny has worked as a Knowledge Professional at McKinsey & Company for about two years covering non-finance sectors. Jenny holds an MBA degree from London Business School and a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance from National Taiwan University.
黄筱婷董事为惠誉评级公司中国企业研究团队的分析师 并担任管理职,该团队负责提供电力、汽车、医药等重 点行业的研究报告,同时也关注政府和社会资本合作和 供给侧改革等主题性研究。在加入惠誉之前,黄筱婷在全球最大的晶圆代工制造商台湾积体电路制造股份有限公司从事投资者关系工作。黄筱婷也曾在里昂证券担任小型股投资分析师。在从事资本相关行业之前,黄筱婷曾在麦肯锡管理諮詢公司(McKinsey & Co)的知识管理团队服务,覆盖制造和工业行业。