0 By Cruggl3s_as1fma In ASIFMA in the NewsPosted January 28, 2018The Wall Street Journal: ASIFMA quoted in story ‘Fears Proposed Korea Tax Change Will Scare Off Foreign Investors’.The comprehensive new report provides best practices developed by ASIFMA, its membership and market participants. READ MORE
0 By Cruggl3s_as1fma In ASIFMA in the NewsPosted January 23, 2018Financial Times: ASIFMA quoted in story ‘Call for South Korea to reconsider tax revision’.The comprehensive new report provides best practices developed by ASIFMA, its membership and market participants. READ MORE
0 By Cruggl3s_as1fma In ASIFMA in the NewsPosted January 14, 2018Funds Global Asia: ASIFMA quoted in story ‘Korea blasted for plan to change tax rules’.The comprehensive new report provides best practices developed by ASIFMA, its membership and market participants. READ MORE
0 By Cruggl3s_as1fma In ASIFMA in the NewsPosted January 14, 2018Finance Asia: ASIFMA quoted in story ‘Korea’s latest bombshell: investors face withholding tax blow’.The comprehensive new report provides best practices developed by ASIFMA, its membership and market participants. READ MORE
0 By Cruggl3s_as1fma In ASIFMA in the NewsPosted January 14, 2018The Korea Herald: ASIFMA quoted in story ‘Tax code revision portends stock market disruption’.The comprehensive new report provides best practices developed by ASIFMA, its membership and market participants. READ MORE
0 By Cruggl3s_as1fma In ASIFMA in the NewsPosted January 10, 2018Regulation Asia: ASIFMA quoted in story ‘Korea’s Reduction in Foreign Shareholder Capital Gains Tax Threshold Arouses Concern’.Government to cut threshold from 25% to 5%, ASIFMA says reduction will challenge securities firms, produce no tax revenue. READ MORE
0 By Cruggl3s_as1fma In Press ReleasePosted January 8, 2018Press Release: ASIFMA Cites Concerns on Korea’s Capital Gains Tax Changes for Foreigners.Significant change poses extremely challenging operational hurdles for securities companies and for the overall Korean market infrastructure with little or no additional tax revenue. READ MORE